Our Projects

Our projects put into practice the analysis and recommendations that are the product of our events, studies and research. Our goal is to move from strategic thinking to practice with coordinated actions, both in the formulation of public and private policies, as well as in the development and execution of projects that bring socioeconomic and environmental benefits for the growth of the region.

Espectro Energy

Developed under the leadership of Kenneth Westrick, Espectro Energy is an online platform designed to help people and all kinds of consumers make an educated decision about the right power generation systems for the different needs that exist in non-interconnected areas.

This sophisticated tool easily presents estimates of the feasibility and cost (investment and kWh) of distributed generation projects, with the aim of accelerating the development and use of non-conventional sources of energy on a large scale in projects that vary between 25 kilowatts and several megawatts.

Alianza 2030

We are a founding member of Alianza 2030 para el Progreso, created in order to promote the rural and sustainable development of Colombia and its regions, cooperation and coordination between actors to facilitate the mobilization of working capital to structure, accelerate and finance profitable projects.

CEELAT is currently in charge of coordinating the research processes, the preparation of previous studies, work groups, regional tables, geographic information systems, as well as the administration of the systems and articulation processes.

Living City Block

It is an initiative that supports a group of cities in the process of renovating existing areas and buildings through the implementation of new technologies, innovative financial solutions and the activation of the community to build a profitable model of energy and efficiency in the management of local resources, mobility and management of public spaces to ensure that each area in turn is a sample of a desirable and healthy urban life. (Santa Marta, Colombia 2010-2012).

Energy Academies

The Energy Academies are an initiative developed by Gulf Power and CEELAT to promote public-private partnerships between public schools and companies in the mining-energy sector in Colombia for the training of students from grades 8 to 11 interested in working in the industries of the sector; offering them the opportunity to get an international certification that they can work with the day after they graduate from grade 11; and incentives to reduce the high levels of school dropouts and other problems that occur in marginal areas.

Taking into account the growing demand for trained personnel by the mining-energy sector, the main objective is to develop a program to train students for a career in the energy sector and not just for a job, increasing job opportunities and improving performance and safety in the workplace.

Currently this initiative is part of the Energy and Climate Alliance of the Americas (ECPA). CEELAT’s work includes facilitating the development of alliances, the curriculum, and the follow-up and monitoring tasks of each program.


It is an initiative that seeks the coordination of the public and private sectors to contribute to the integral and sustainable development of the country through the correlation of effective practices of Corporate Social Responsibility of companies in the extractive sector with public policies and development initiatives at the local level, departmental and national.

Under principles of co-responsibility, using collaborative methodologies, regional work groups and an online information and monitoring platform, SE Responsible Colombia seeks to build a common reference framework for the design and implementation of CSR policies and strategies appropriate for the environment and the Colombian socioeconomic reality and its regions; as well as a pipeline of local projects that can receive financing from public and private investment programs.

Energy For Development

It is an initiative led by the RS Center, the MGM Foundation, the Santo Tomas University and CEELAT with the aim of generating knowledge and highlighting the importance of the energy sector in the development of Colombia throughout history, in the present and in the future. The initiative explores the evolution of the sector, its contribution to the socio-economic development of the country, the implementation of new technologies, as well as advances in national and hemispheric interconnection and global trends to understand the current context; and the importance of innovation, the environment, non-conventional sources of energy and sustainability for future planning and investment that will help position Colombia’s advantages favorably in an increasingly interconnected and competitive world.

Smart Building

Planning and design of sustainable and resilient communities to face the challenges presented by natural disasters (New Orleans, Haiti, Colombia).

Taking into account the growing number of natural disasters currently affecting the region, CEELAT has formed a team of experts to offer useful recommendations in the reconstruction process; seeking lasting and sustainable solutions based on experiences and lessons learned worldwide; taking advantage of new construction techniques and technologies for power generation, water and waste management, to improve the quality of life and increase the economic opportunities of people in the affected areas.